“When I walked into Advance Health I was suffering from constant lower back pain. After finishing my plan that Dr. Luke and Dr. Cassie developed for me, I was able to backpack the Grand Canyon for six days without even a twinge in my back.”
Jill B. – Chicago, IL
Clinical Excellence
At AHC our education and training are unparalleled allowing us to provide our patients with exemplary health care.
Unique Treatment
We provide a unique blend of health care offering a combination of chiropractic biophysics and physical therapy like no other health care clinic.
Objective Results
We objectively improve your health and wellness offering long lasting results.
Advanced Health Chiropractic can help all types of conditions
Get Out of Pain • Improve Function • Live Life Without Restrictions
Have a question? • Talk to Dr. Luke
Discover how advanced health chiropractic has helped people like you get out of pain and live life without restrictions.
What makes Advanced Health so different?
At Advanced Health Chiropractic, the focus is on chiropractic care for families and individuals from all walks of life – from children and teens to adults and the elderly; from pregnant women to athletes and to business professionals on the go. Our goal is to provide all our patients with complete support services they need to live their lives fully. Our holistic approach allows us to tailor your treatment not just to the specifics of your issue but to the individual facts of your lifestyle. This helps to ensure that we give you treatments that fit you and your specific needs.
Advanced Health Chiropractic distinguishes itself from other health care clinics in their approach and philosophy on how the body is designed to work and move, and through state-of-the-art diagnosis techniques can pin point the issues within the body causing your pain and dysfunction, allowing us to objectively highlight the root cause of the issue. This allows for a clear diagnosis and a unique course of treatment to be applied to each individual patient. In today’s health care system, we tend to treat the symptoms and not the cause of the underlying issue, this can lead to unnecessary treatment and frustrated patients. We offer a unique blend of services that can tailor treatment to the individuals needs allowing for a shorter more effective treatment offering long term results.
Our mission is to be the natural health and wellness resource for the South Loop community by providing exceptional surgical and drug free health care with the intent to educate our patients and treat prevention of disease through multi-disciplinary integration and the use of the most advanced education and technology.
Dr. Luke and his wife Dr. Cassie with their team are here to serve your needs and help you overcome your pain and get back to living the life you should be living. Advanced Health Chiropractic is the South loop community’s best choice when it comes to high quality conservative care treatment. Our caring staff, nurturing environment, and professional expertise make for the perfect healing environment. Whether you have been in an automobile accident, have a sports related injury, or are simply looking for relief from job related stress, Advanced Health Chiropractic is here to serve the neighborhood of South Loop.
We have helped over 6,000 of your friends and neighbors get out of pain and stay out of pain and are the highest reviewed health care clinic in the south loop.
200+ 5 STAR Reviews
90+ 5 STAR Reviews
200+ 5 STAR Reviews
We are proud in-network providers for these major insurance companies:

Get out of pain and stay out of pain
Stop masking the symptoms and get to the root cause of the problem
1. Schedule Your New Patient Exam
Set up a time to meet the Dr. and begin the process of determining the root cause of your pain.
2. Receive A Customized Plan Of Action
Our Dr’s will create a customized treatment plan designed to get you out of pain quickly and offer you long term correction.
3. Start Living Life Without Restrictions!
Receive the care you need to get your problem corrected so you can start living and enjoying your life pain free again.
Start Feeling Better Today!
With this guide we’ll help you identify the root cause of your pain or injury and get you on the road to recovery.

How does Advanced Health Chiropractic help you live a pain free lifestyle?
Chiropractic BioPhysics
K-Laser Therapy
Back Pain / Neck Pain
Physical Therapy
Sports Injuries
Spinal Decompression
Auto Accident Care
Asthma / Allergies
Will not fixing this problem cost you your quality of life later?
Procrastination is the thief of health, it’s really that simple. And unfortunately, many of us do not appreciate our health until it’s gone. Emerson said the greatest wealth in life is our health, yet so many of us do not value it before it’s too late.
If you are in pain, and had to ask yourself the question, what have you stopped doing because of that pain? Is it an activity you love? Are you unable to play with your kids? Do you have family members and friends that can do everything they want to, but you have to miss out because of the pain limiting your lifestyle?
Pain is the body’s way of telling us that there is something wrong and it should be addressed, however instead of addressing the problem we hope that it will just go away on its own until it’s a crisis and next thing we know our quality of life is affected.
Unfortunately, in today’s society health care seems to be a one size fits all, cookie cutter like system. We seem to be more interested in treating the symptoms of an issue instead of addressing the root cause of the problem. As a society we are always looking for that quick fix. But unfortunately, this tends to lead to poor treatment methods and eventually frustrated patients.
At Advanced Health Chiropractic we pride ourselves on doing the exact opposite. We focus on treating the root cause of the issue. Through our state-of-the-art diagnosis tools and treatment methods we can pin point the joint, soft tissue or nerve that is causing the problem and go about, effectively without drug or surgical intervention objectively correcting the issue, offering fast, effective and long-lasting results.
The body is built to move, both on a bio mechanical and physiological level, so once we stop moving, through a 50-hour work week where we are strapped to our desk or through the pain of a health issue limiting our ability to function the body starts to compensate and deteriorate, this is when our quality of life starts to be effected. Unfortunately, many of us then accept this and allow the pain and issue to dictate what we can and can’t do. At Advanced Health Chiropractic we pride ourselves on been the resource for your health and wellness. To offer you a clear diagnosis, a personalized plan of action with a clear end goal of getting you out of pain, moving without restriction and living your life to its full potential.
If you are someone who has been suffering with pain and have allowed it to dictate what you can and cannot do in your daily life and are ready to get your life back we are hear for you. Our team will walk you through a goal orientated consultation, provide you with a clear definitive diagnosis and create a plan of action that will have a clear beginning middle and end for you to achieve all your health and wellness goals. We look forwards to meeting you and getting you back to living pain free and without restriction.