How Texting and Computers Affect a Child’s PostureProper posture is critical to our overall health so it is important to teach children good habits at a young age. Setting limits on the…Read More
Tips to Help You Sleep BetterSleeping is a critical component to how we function both on a physical and physiological level, and the amount of sleep that we get is…Read More
South Loop Chiropractor’s Advice on How to Get Better SleepMany people struggle to get a good night’s sleep. There are a few important things you can do to get the critical sleep you need…Read More
What You Need to Know About SciaticaChiropractors can help alleviate sciatica using their in-depth knowledge of how the body works and what causes pain. Here is a brief explanation of sciatica’s…Read More
Is Sciatica to Blame for Your Pain?Sciatica can be easily misdiagnosed so it’s important to see a chiropractor to help determine the cause and source of the pain and find treatments…Read More
The Role of X-Rays in Chiropractic CareWe use X-rays because to see is to know. And if we’re going to work with the spine and the nervous system, I want to…Read More
Why We Use X-Rays to Fix Your PainBefore chiropractors treat neck pain, back pain or joint pain, they can take X-rays to check the spinal alignment and bone health and to look…Read More
Protect Your Neck When Using TechIf you are staring down at a tablet or a phone, or your neck is jutted out or you’re looking forward at a computer screen,…Read More
Technology: A Real Pain in the Neck!The way you look at your phone or other device could be causing tech neck, the term used to describe the way your neck shifts…Read More
Targeting Joint Pain with the reVive LightRed light therapy is really effective at reducing inflammation in a joint and less inflammation in a joint is going to reduce pain. It accelerates…Read More